Amazon Customer Review
Excellent resource for looking for jobs/internships.

Amazon Customer Review
Humorous, but practical, advice on getting a job.

Amazon Customer Review
I Love It!: I love this book. I order this book for my business communication class.

Amazon Customer Review
Must Buy: I bought a ton of "find a job" books right out of college and this one was by far the most helpful. Not only was it entertaining to read, I learned more things from this book than I probably did in college, haha. There are both good and bad examples of cover letters, resumes, resume formats, etc. There is probably no aspect of this book that I thought was unhelpful or unneeded. I basically followed this book to the letter and I got a salaried job, in my studied field, in New York City, during this recession, after only a month of job-hunting. That should say something about the quality of this book!

Amazon Customer Review
Fantastic Resource for New Graduates: This book is a refreshing alternative to the vast majority of job-seeker guides and perfectly caters to recent graduates (a group who is often neglected in other texts). It is very easy to read and holds your interest (I ended up reading the whole thing in one sitting). I bought the Kindle version and found myself constantly highlighting useful tips and reminders to refer to later. It is a really well thought-out guide, which has already made a difference to my level of motivation and organization in my current job search.

Amazon Customer Review
Witty, Fun, Common Sense: The author has managed to take a very popular topic and add a touch of wit and fun. "Can I Wear My Nose Ring to the Interview" is a catchy way to capture the reader’s attention by asking an off the wall question. A lot of the information in the book is not necessarily new, but the delivery makes it unique. Inventing the name of a company for job seekers called Job. Inc, is innovative, and yet drives home the fact that searching for a job is a full time job. This book would be especially useful to college grads just entering the job market or veteran workers entering into the job search market after an extended period of employment (the job search has definitely changed).

Amazon Customer Review
A Perfect Balance: “Can I Wear My Nose Ring to the Interview?” is a perfect balance between a witty, well written book and a how-to informational guide. I found myself quickly turning through the pages because Reeves approaches the subject of the interviewing process from a direct, yet incredibly entertaining manner. The book covers all aspects of the job search and breaks down each individual part in a way that makes it manageable; I have recently gone on several interviews and because the text was so easy and enjoyable to read, I remembered all the important aspects and have been very successful. Further, I followed her resume, cover letter, and reference sections almost exactly and saw a tremendous improvement in the feedback I received. I would recommend this book to anyone who is interested in perfecting the entire job search process and feel this is an incredibly beneficial tool to have.

Amazon Customer Review
Can I Wear My Nose Ring to an Interview?: The title of Reeves book is intriguing and fun. In the Introduction, she explains that she isn't really talking about nose rings, rather about the complexities of the job hunt. She breaks her chapters down in a way that leads you from one to the next. The chapters are well named and talk about exactly what the name implies. Even if you're not a person looking for a first job this is still a good book to read. She talks about people who have lost their jobs or been laid off because to the recession. She does an equally excellent job on this also. I liked the book a lot and certainly wish I had had this 30 years ago.

Amazon Customer Review
Very, Very Helpful: If you're looking for a job, you need this book. If you think you might be looking for a job one day soon, you also need this book. It's filled with very understandable, straight-ahead commonsense advice. It's totally invaluable, especially to people who know that they don't always do their best when in the pressured situation of a job interview. This book is totally worth the price.

Amazon Customer Review
I Wish I Had Read This Book Years Ago!: I bought this book during a minor spell of desperation at my school's bookstore. I had sent out several job applications and received a rejection letter for each one. I realized deep down that if I wanted to land a job I would HAVE to improve my job-hunting skills, and when I happened to see "Can I Wear My Nose Ring to the Interview?" (no, I don't have a nose ring), I was compelled to purchase it because I did need, as the book advertises on its cover, "a crash course in finding, landing, and keeping my first real job.“

Amazon Customer Review
The Most Helpful Career Book I‘ve Read, Especially Right Out of College: This is the first book I've read that really makes sense for young people just entering the job force. As a recent graduate who has attended countless career-prep events, read blogs and websites, and flipped through many books, I must say that this is one of most helpful resources out there. It covers everything, from the very general (How do I network?) to the very, very specific (I was home-schooled... how do I list that?). Every time I had a new question, I came across the answer later in the chapter.

Amazon Customer Review
I find that many career books don’t help people like me — current students or recent grads with a lot of classroom and internship experience but no actual grownup jobs on my resume. I need to know how to list extracurriculars and relevant class projects (things like building a website, not writing a paper). I may not ever have interviewed with an HR department. I want to know how I can write about after-school jobs and highlight my transferable skills. I'm worried networking seems fake and forced. This book addresses all of those concerns, and others I hadn't even thought of. It also offers examples of good resumes, cover letters, reference lists, etc, which I found helpful. If you ever have the chance to hear Ellen's presentation in person, I recommend it. Regardless, this book is worth a look.

Amazon Customer Review
I found the Q&A sections of the book to be really helpful as well. I enjoyed reading the answers to the questions, but it was also nice to see that people had a lot of the same questions that I did. It was also great to be able to look at the samples of resumes, cover letters and networking e-mails as I was going along.

Amazon Customer Review
One of my favorite quotes from the book was, “...if you follow your interests, a path will emerge.” (p.xii) This book has definitely been a wonderful reference guide for me and I would recommend it to others.

Amazon Customer Review
One important element in this book is self-confidence, which is easier to talk about than being able to portray to a stranger in a high-pressure situation. But what “Can I Wear My Nose Ring” accomplishes is to rationally break down everything you need to know into bite-sized pieces so that everything is digestible from the get-go, so it when it comes to actually applying that knowledge, you're more prepared for a job interview (or any tense situation really) than you could possibly imagine.
Amazon Customer Review
Landing the Job and A Higher Salary Made Possible: I read this book in anticipation of hearing Ellen lecture about her book and finding a place in the job market. Little did I know that not only would this book be a key tool in securing a job, it also gave me the courage to negotiate the salary that was being offered up by 7%; needless to say in a recession and the lack of courage I thought I had in myself this is nothing short of a miracle.

Amazon Customer Review
Very Handy: Easy to read and samples are very helpful. Great for beginning professionals looking for their first job. I recommend it.

Amazon Customer Review
Course Textbook: I'm a college professor and teach a course that involves career exploration and helps equip students with job search and acquisition skills. This is a great text that supplements various in-class exercises such as cover letter and resume writing, job search techniques, practice interviewing skills, evaluating job offers, and how to deport (sic) oneself in a new job. It's a great platform from which to launch classroom discussion because it's written in a straightforward, humorous style. I highly recommend it as a quick and helpful read.

Amazon Customer Review
Spot on Great Advice: ”Can I Wear My Nose Ring to the Interview?” is an engaging book that is spot on with its advice and insights about looking for that first job. I would argue, though, that it is also a great book for those returning to the work force, as well as those changing positions or careers. For parents with a teenager or young adult looking for that first job, it is full of practical advice that you want your kid to know and think about. Ms. Reeves' voice combined with just the right amount of humor might actually make them pay attention!

Amazon Customer Review
Gifted to 2 Newly Graduating College Students: As a graduation present this was perfect. I had conversations with two different 20-somethings who were about to launch job searches. They have reported back that they have used various suggestions and information from the book. I was prompted to buy the book because one of the two literally thought there was no problem wearing her nose ring to an interview at a conservative government office job interview. She changed her mind about the nose ring, went to the interview without it. Good move. They offered her the job, but she declined deciding not to work in such a stuffy atmosphere. But the book at least put her on notice that such things can have an effect on how people view you.
Amazon Customer Review
Excellent Guide for Job Searchers: I came across this book at the library and found it very helpful during my job search. It's clear and concise and provides the tricks of the trade including how to make your CV stand out and nab an interview. As an added bonus, the author has a sense of humour, which makes the book enjoyable to read. I highly recommend this book.

Amazon Customer Review
Funny and informative: I love to read, laugh, and learn new things, so it's no surprise that I couldn't put down Ellen Reeves' job hunter's guide, “Can I Wear My Nose Ring to the Interview?” Her book is easy to read, gives clear tips on the job hunting process from beginning to end, and is funny too. Here's one piece of advice that made me laugh out loud, "Don't e-mail after midnight or before 6:00 a.m. or they will think you're an insomniac freak." I'm close to 50 and have applied for a number of jobs since college. I am currently looking for a job and have been sending my resume and cover letters out into cyberspace (I thought that was the thing to do), but haven't gotten any responses. I didn't know (until I read Ellen's book) that 80% of available jobs are actually in the "hidden job market"--filled by word of mouth. No wonder one of the major focuses of Ellen's book is on networking. I have made a major shift in my job-seeking approach since finishing Nose Ring. Ellen explains, "Don't look for a job--look for a person," and that's what I've begun to do. In fact, today I got a great contact from one of the "regulars" in my Yoga class. I networked, and it worked! Thanks Ellen.

Amazon Customer Review
The Best Investment a 20-something Can Make: If this book had been available when I was graduating college, I could have saved myself a lot of career-related heartache. It took me awhile to realize that the world of work was not the same as the world of college, and that it has its own rules and ways of doing things. Ellen Reeves's book is a practical guide for navigating the world of employment the right way, from the beginning. This book will be useful for any recent grad or 20-something, but I think it will be particularly useful for people who are not from affluent families and who have to figure things out for themselves. Ellen's book will give you a leg up.

Amazon Customer Review
Great Book for Those Who Need Jobs: As an author, I read a lot, but often I don't find this much honesty in one book. I liked this book and its simplicity. I am happy to recommend it for those who need jobs.

Amazon Customer Review
Well, I Just Finished Reading the Book: Ellen's words have left me feeling invigorated and confident; I no longer fear the job search process. I realize now that I was committing egregious errors on my resume and cover letters, which is undoubtedly the reason I have received so many rejection letters. Her advice on creating a resume and cover letter takes the mystery out of the process. Her tips on how to negotiate a job offer and how to maintain a positive attitude while job hunting and on the job are invaluable. This book has changed the way that I present myself to potential employers, and I believe that landing a job is in my immediate future. Universities should hand students a copy of this book along with their diplomas at graduation!

Amazon Customer Review
A Great Reference for Young Professionals: I really enjoyed reading this book! A friend had suggested this book to me since I had just started my job search. My last job search was almost 7 years ago, so I realized very quickly that a lot has changed since then! I found this book to not only be helpful and informative, but also fun and easy to read. It was great to read a book that covers the entire cycle of a job.

Amazon Customer Review
I first read this book all the way through to get an idea of the job process, but as I started working more on my resume and cover letters I found myself rereading chapters 3 and 4 quite a few times. I also spent a lot of time reading chapters 1 and 2. In fact, I think the biggest piece of advice that I have taken away from this book has been to look for a person and not for a job. The 'Rule of Three' (reaching out to one person in the morning, afternoon and at the end of the day) was especially helpful because it was practical and an easy way to get started. Although I was nervous at first, I took the advice and started reaching out to people and doing informational interviews. It has become a lot easier for me to reach out to people now and I feel a lot more confident in doing so. I've met so many interesting people and I've learned a lot!

Amazon Customer Review
True Story: After several rounds of job interviews, I received a phone call while sitting in a Starbucks from a lovely woman in Human Resources offering me the position. The only thing I can recall was being stunned--she kept talking but I didn't hear a word she said after "We'd like to offer you the position". It was between complete excitement and awe that I found myself thinking, "Okay, what's the next step?" In Ellen's book she says to graciously thank the person who offers you the job and politely ask them if they may send you an email that in detail, outlines the entire offer and includes a salary offer, requirements of the position and benefits. You're asking for this information because you need time to consider the offer. After I said this, the human resource rep was stunned for a moment, surprised that I had even thought of this, and said absolutely.
The next morning after I had thoroughly gone over the email I called her back and politely went through the benefits and requirements list agreeing with practically everything. When I came to the part about the salary, I reminded them of the extensive experience on my resume and explained that I had done my research and in the industry I found the median salary to be X (which was actually $4,000 more than they were offering me, and $2,000 more than I believed I would get). When she replied back saying that 92% of people in my entry-level position make X, I instantly deduced that meant 8% of people in my position make MORE than X. With that nugget of courage I was able to offer a term of X +7% more than they originally offered. She had to discuss this with the department, which made me nervous but when she called me later that day to say they were able to offer me the salary we had discussed, I was thrilled. I accepted the position and I now have a higher foundation salary.
In short: This book is necessary for anyone who has ever considered a career or who is looking for a new one.